


Her expertise in education in general and in e-learning policies and assessment of education quality.


Her research interests span in the field of Data Analysis. Her works cover different domains such as Text mining, Hyperspectral Imaging, eHealth, bioinformatic, anomaly detection, Educational Data Mining. She is currently woking on stream data mining algorithms.


His research focuses on several compelling areas, including sustainable business models for innovative automation technologies, autonomous system control, assembly systems and technology, and cyber-security. Alongside his expertise in these fields, Associate Prof. Maffei actively engages in pedagogic research and development, particularly in the domains of constructive alignment, phenomenography, and blended learning.


Expert in the philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, he gave a speech for the TEDX Rome on the ethical consequences of Artificial Intelligence tools such as ChatGPT in 2023 and one for the TEDX Barletta in 2022 on the relationship between art and AI. He is the creator of the “Festa della Filosofia” at the Triennale di Milano and of “Lavorala con Filosofia”, a cultural dissemination marathon created at the request of the Ministry of Health. He is the author of various podcasts, including “Meno per meno”, the podcast with Niccolò Fabi and Maura Gancitano; “Pensare Europeo”, in collaboration with the European Parliament, and “Scuola di Filosofie”, collection of monographs on the history of twentieth-century philosophy, produced by Audible.