HELMeTO 2023
5th International Conference on
Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online
September 13-15, 2023
Foggia, Italy

HELMeTO 2023
5th Edition Conference
HELMeTO, International Conference on Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online, aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working in Higher Distance Education Institutions or studying Online Learning Methodologies to present and share their research in a multidisciplinary context. The conference provides a forum for the discussion of new research directions and applications in these fields, where different disciplines could effectively meet.

Special tracks
Proposals for Special Tracks are welcome. Proposals must be emailed to helmeto2023@unifg.it specifying as email subject “Special Session Proposal” by March 09, 2023 March 15, 2023 (extended).
5th Edition on September 13-15, 2023
The 5th HELMeTO edition is organized by the Department of Humanities, Literature, Cultural Heritage and Educational Studies of the University of Foggia. The event was planned to be organized on-site in Foggia.
The University of Foggia is a young and vibrant university that has always been committed to innovative research in education, especially with regard to hybrid learning environments. After having participated in the last editions of HELMeTO, we are happy and honoured to host the fifth one within the walls of our Department of Humanities.
The conference is scientifically supported by SIREM, Società Italiana di Ricerca sull'Educazione Mediale.

HELMeTO 2024
Hosting Call
The deadline for the HELMeTO organizing proposals is 30 November 2023.
The proposal must be sent to the following mail by the deadline: paolo.raviolo@uniecampus.it

Call for Papers
If you're interested in submitting a paper, check out the various topics that we are going to approach during the workshop.
Important Dates
The event will take place from September 13th to September 15th. Check out other important dates, such as submission deadlines, here.
Special tracks
Proposals for Special Tracks are welcome. Proposals must be emailed to helmeto2023@unifg.it specifying as email subject “Special Session Proposal” by March 09, 2023 March 15, 2023 (extended).
Where to find us
Get all the information to reach us efficiently.
University of Foggia's Department of Humanities is located at the heart of the city centre, surrounded by historical buildings and monuments.
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